8-bit uC with UART, 12-bit A/D Converter PWM and 16x4 LCD Driver

Weltrend Semiconductor
8-bit uC with UART, 12-bit A/D Converter PWM and 16x4 LCD Driver

Weltrend Semiconductor
8-bit μC with 4Mb ROM, 6.448Kbytes SRAM, Push-Pull DAC and 48x32/64x32 LCD Driver

Weltrend Semiconductor
8-bit μC with 4Mb ROM, 6.448Kbytes SRAM, Push-Pull DAC and 48x32/64x32 LCD Driver

Weltrend Semiconductor
Pager Controller with POCSAG Decoder、 12KB SRAM、 296KB ROM and 56x32/56x33 LCD Driver

8-bit m C with 8KB Flash Memory, an 8-CH 12-bit A/D Converter and 16x4 LCD Driver

8-bit uC with UART, 12-bit A/D Converter PWM and 16x4 LCD Driver

Weltrend Semiconductor
8-bit uC with UART, 12-bit A/D Converter PWM and 16x4 LCD Driver